Cold Season Home Essentials

Well, it’s flu season again.  That means that people are sick with more than just the flu.  It is allergy season and cold season as well and you would be surprised how many people don’t have the essentials… or maybe it just surprises me.  There are a few things I keep in the house, both […]

Osteoporosis: How to NOT Give Yourself a Break

Osteoporosis is a really hot topic right now.  And it should be.  As we get older our bones become more brittle and do not rebuild themselves as they did when we were younger.  Part of this has to do with our nutrition and our activity levels.  These things are called “modifiable risk factors.”  Other things […]

Depression: Is there really a pill for that?

It’s amazing how fast this year has gone!  Look at the calendar folks.  It is September!  Holy cow.  The holidays are coming rapidly.  The holidays are associated with a lot of happiness, but unfortunately this is also the time of year when depression begins to creep up on us.  There is so much to do […]

Let’s get together! Or not… drug-mineral interactions

Vitamins and minerals are certainly a great way to keep ourselves healthy.  Calcium gives us strong bones and can also be used to treat PMS and iron is how we keep our blood cells healthy and our body oxygenated.  These are two minerals I dispense in the pharmacy all the time, but they can cause […]

UTIs and Yeast Infections: When fun in the sun gets uncomfortable

Summer can be a wonderful time, even in Arizona.  Swimming, barbeques, fun fruity cocktails… it sounds like a real blast!  Unfortunately, for some women, summer can be a time of frustration.  Summer  time is UTI and yeast infection weather.  It is so uncomfortable and it is hard to find time to go to the doctor […]

Seasonal Allergies and Sweet Treatments

Phoenix has been an interesting place to be this monsoon season!  With the giant dust storms and the rain that is actually falling in some areas of the valley pollen, dust, and other allergen in the air have sky rocketed.  This means everyone is having allergy attacks, sinus infections, dry eye, coughing, and sneezing fits.  […]

A Quick Introduction!

So Lori, our fearless leader, has informed me that some of you thought she was the one writing the blog posts!  That is my fault.  I guess it was a bit of a shock when you found out if was some girl under 5 feet writing the blogs… not Lori obviously, haha!  So here we […]

Sleep Hygiene: What it means and how it can improve your rest

How many of us really wake up feeling rested?  Life has so many demands that getting to bed on time is a second thought and the act of falling asleep is a battle.  Get the kids up, get everyone breakfast, send everyone to work, go to work, work out, get dinner ready, clean the house, […]

Herbs: The Good, the Bad, and the Complicated

Image borrowed from Most of us grew up on our mother’s and grandmother’s home remedies.  In our home we always had an ample supply of chamomile, peppermint, lavender, and aloe vera.  I fell in love with herbal remedies because my Mom was quite the gardener and tea lover and her remedies worked!  Herbal remedies […]

Vitamin D – Why do I need it?

Vitamin D has been overlooked as an aid to health. There are so many areas of health Vitamin D can contribute. Mental health: Have you ever wondered why Thanksgiving and Christmas can be difficult for some? It may have something to do with the Vitamin D levels. In the areas of the country where we […]