Does This Fat Make Me Look Fat?

The answer is… maybe.  I know we all just got done with Thanksgiving and now we’re heading into the holidays, which usually means diet doom.  It doesn’t have to though.  We’ve already discussed my unhealthy love affair with food, but even I have lost weight during Christmas.  When we worry about gaining weight we think […]

Are you a good carb or a bad carb?

“Christmas is coming and I am getting fat…”  Wait.  That’s not how the song goes and that is NOT how I want the song to end up.  Diabetes is a raging epidemic.  Most of my patients have diabetes or pre-diabetes or are at risk for diabetes.  Type 1 diabetes is genetic in my family.  So […]

Week 2: Traveling, Eating, and Staying Motivated

Okay, I admit it.  I fell off the wagon this week.  This weekend was hard!  Between traveling in a car, going out to dinner, and prepping to go to weddings I got a little distracted.  I didn’t work out while I was there, I totally crashed on the diet one day.  I didn’t have to […]

Water, Water Everywhere, but I Think I’ll Have a Latte

It is truly summer.  Today it is supposed to be 115 degrees here in Phoenix!  I’ve already had quite a few patients stop by the pharmacy with signs of dehydration so I think it is important to talk about how to keep ourselves hydrated correctly. The correct way to keep yourself hydrated is to drink […]