Diabetes: Hyperglycemia as the Elephant in the Room

Diabetes is not an easy disease to control.  Your blood sugar will be up, it will be down.  If you’re stressed or sick you could eat a salad for lunch your blood sugar may still be at 300.  It’s annoying and frustrating.  My dad says (and pardon the language, but the honesty is key) that […]

Diabetes: Complications, Risk Factors, and Prevention

So a couple weeks ago we talked about the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.  We talked about what puts us a risk for getting the different types of diabetes.  But what about your risk factors if you already have diabetes?  What about ways to prevent or even cure your diabetes?  Nothing like […]

Diabetes: First the Basics

It’s a new year with new resolutions and I’m sure none of us have been perfect, but trying is what matters.  I’m a firm believer that knowledge is power and the best way to succeed is to know as much as you can.  Diabetes is a very big issue.  Projections have showed that 52% of […]

Out With the Old and In With the New: Detoxing the RIGHT Way

We’ve all heard how important a good detox can be for jump-starting a diet, cleaning the colon, as well as general body health.  These things are all true, but the sort of detoxifying regimen and the length of the detoxifying regimen is what is most important.  Remember, the way to lose weight and to keep […]

Salt, Water Retention, Weight Loss

So we’ve gone over all the macro-nutrients.  Fats, proteins, carbohydrates, but there is one last nutrient that I don’t think we pay attention to enough.  Sodium.  It’s a mineral that we find in so much of our food.  It effects those of us that are trying to lose weight, suffering from high blood pressure, or […]

Does This Fat Make Me Look Fat?

The answer is… maybe.  I know we all just got done with Thanksgiving and now we’re heading into the holidays, which usually means diet doom.  It doesn’t have to though.  We’ve already discussed my unhealthy love affair with food, but even I have lost weight during Christmas.  When we worry about gaining weight we think […]

Are you a good carb or a bad carb?

“Christmas is coming and I am getting fat…”  Wait.  That’s not how the song goes and that is NOT how I want the song to end up.  Diabetes is a raging epidemic.  Most of my patients have diabetes or pre-diabetes or are at risk for diabetes.  Type 1 diabetes is genetic in my family.  So […]

Seasonal Allergies and Sweet Treatments

Phoenix has been an interesting place to be this monsoon season!  With the giant dust storms and the rain that is actually falling in some areas of the valley pollen, dust, and other allergen in the air have sky rocketed.  This means everyone is having allergy attacks, sinus infections, dry eye, coughing, and sneezing fits.  […]

A Quick Introduction!

So Lori, our fearless leader, has informed me that some of you thought she was the one writing the blog posts!  That is my fault.  I guess it was a bit of a shock when you found out if was some girl under 5 feet writing the blogs… not Lori obviously, haha!  So here we […]