Diabetes: Hyperglycemia as the Elephant in the Room

Diabetes is not an easy disease to control.  Your blood sugar will be up, it will be down.  If you’re stressed or sick you could eat a salad for lunch your blood sugar may still be at 300.  It’s annoying and frustrating.  My dad says (and pardon the language, but the honesty is key) that […]

Diabetes: Complications, Risk Factors, and Prevention

So a couple weeks ago we talked about the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.  We talked about what puts us a risk for getting the different types of diabetes.  But what about your risk factors if you already have diabetes?  What about ways to prevent or even cure your diabetes?  Nothing like […]

Are you a good carb or a bad carb?

“Christmas is coming and I am getting fat…”  Wait.  That’s not how the song goes and that is NOT how I want the song to end up.  Diabetes is a raging epidemic.  Most of my patients have diabetes or pre-diabetes or are at risk for diabetes.  Type 1 diabetes is genetic in my family.  So […]

Osteoporosis: How to NOT Give Yourself a Break

Osteoporosis is a really hot topic right now.  And it should be.  As we get older our bones become more brittle and do not rebuild themselves as they did when we were younger.  Part of this has to do with our nutrition and our activity levels.  These things are called “modifiable risk factors.”  Other things […]

Depression: Is there really a pill for that?

It’s amazing how fast this year has gone!  Look at the calendar folks.  It is September!  Holy cow.  The holidays are coming rapidly.  The holidays are associated with a lot of happiness, but unfortunately this is also the time of year when depression begins to creep up on us.  There is so much to do […]

Seasonal Allergies and Sweet Treatments

Phoenix has been an interesting place to be this monsoon season!  With the giant dust storms and the rain that is actually falling in some areas of the valley pollen, dust, and other allergen in the air have sky rocketed.  This means everyone is having allergy attacks, sinus infections, dry eye, coughing, and sneezing fits.  […]

Week 2: Traveling, Eating, and Staying Motivated

Okay, I admit it.  I fell off the wagon this week.  This weekend was hard!  Between traveling in a car, going out to dinner, and prepping to go to weddings I got a little distracted.  I didn’t work out while I was there, I totally crashed on the diet one day.  I didn’t have to […]

Week 1- Tracking and Motivation

I know my status changes have made me seem like one of these uber skinny chicks who has never had to struggle with my weight or eating, but I’m here right now to prove you wrong and maybe lend a little assistance to those of you who are struggling.  Let me give you a quick […]