Out With the Old and In With the New: Detoxing the RIGHT Way

We’ve all heard how important a good detox can be for jump-starting a diet, cleaning the colon, as well as general body health.  These things are all true, but the sort of detoxifying regimen and the length of the detoxifying regimen is what is most important.  Remember, the way to lose weight and to keep […]

Lean, Mean, Protein… Confusing?

So we’ve all heard about these crazy high protein diets.  The Atkins diet seems like a good idea, but is it really?  Let’s go over protein, our last macro-nutrient.  Protein is a great nutrient, but, as with anything, everything in moderation.  Your body uses up it’s own proteins every day and these proteins need to […]

Are you a good carb or a bad carb?

“Christmas is coming and I am getting fat…”  Wait.  That’s not how the song goes and that is NOT how I want the song to end up.  Diabetes is a raging epidemic.  Most of my patients have diabetes or pre-diabetes or are at risk for diabetes.  Type 1 diabetes is genetic in my family.  So […]

UTIs and Yeast Infections: When fun in the sun gets uncomfortable

Summer can be a wonderful time, even in Arizona.  Swimming, barbeques, fun fruity cocktails… it sounds like a real blast!  Unfortunately, for some women, summer can be a time of frustration.  Summer  time is UTI and yeast infection weather.  It is so uncomfortable and it is hard to find time to go to the doctor […]