Hypoglycemia: When Low Sugar isn’t Good Sugar

Last blog we talked about hyperglycemia (or high blood sugars) and the risks you take on when you allow your blood sugars to get too high.  Hypoglycemia is low blood sugars.  Patients with Type I diabetes and Type II patients on certain medications are at higher risk for hypoglycemia.  So what’s the big deal?  You […]

Diabetes: Hyperglycemia as the Elephant in the Room

Diabetes is not an easy disease to control.  Your blood sugar will be up, it will be down.  If you’re stressed or sick you could eat a salad for lunch your blood sugar may still be at 300.  It’s annoying and frustrating.  My dad says (and pardon the language, but the honesty is key) that […]

Diabetes: Complications, Risk Factors, and Prevention

So a couple weeks ago we talked about the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.  We talked about what puts us a risk for getting the different types of diabetes.  But what about your risk factors if you already have diabetes?  What about ways to prevent or even cure your diabetes?  Nothing like […]

Out With the Old and In With the New: Detoxing the RIGHT Way

We’ve all heard how important a good detox can be for jump-starting a diet, cleaning the colon, as well as general body health.  These things are all true, but the sort of detoxifying regimen and the length of the detoxifying regimen is what is most important.  Remember, the way to lose weight and to keep […]

Over-The-Counter Medication Safety: the Knowledge Gap

I love my job as a pharmacist and I have met some amazing people.  Whether my patient’s have a third grade education or a doctorate they all have their own expertise and their own knowledge gaps.  No one can know everything and I don’t expect my patients to be experts in pharmacology.  That’s my niche.  […]