Does This Fat Make Me Look Fat?

The answer is… maybe.  I know we all just got done with Thanksgiving and now we’re heading into the holidays, which usually means diet doom.  It doesn’t have to though.  We’ve already discussed my unhealthy love affair with food, but even I have lost weight during Christmas.  When we worry about gaining weight we think […]

Cold Season Home Essentials

Well, it’s flu season again.  That means that people are sick with more than just the flu.  It is allergy season and cold season as well and you would be surprised how many people don’t have the essentials… or maybe it just surprises me.  There are a few things I keep in the house, both […]

Seasonal Allergies and Sweet Treatments

Phoenix has been an interesting place to be this monsoon season!  With the giant dust storms and the rain that is actually falling in some areas of the valley pollen, dust, and other allergen in the air have sky rocketed.  This means everyone is having allergy attacks, sinus infections, dry eye, coughing, and sneezing fits.  […]

A Quick Introduction!

So Lori, our fearless leader, has informed me that some of you thought she was the one writing the blog posts!  That is my fault.  I guess it was a bit of a shock when you found out if was some girl under 5 feet writing the blogs… not Lori obviously, haha!  So here we […]

Herbs: The Good, the Bad, and the Complicated

Image borrowed from Most of us grew up on our mother’s and grandmother’s home remedies.  In our home we always had an ample supply of chamomile, peppermint, lavender, and aloe vera.  I fell in love with herbal remedies because my Mom was quite the gardener and tea lover and her remedies worked!  Herbal remedies […]