Week 2: Traveling, Eating, and Staying Motivated

Okay, I admit it.  I fell off the wagon this week.  This weekend was hard!  Between traveling in a car, going out to dinner, and prepping to go to weddings I got a little distracted.  I didn’t work out while I was there, I totally crashed on the diet one day.  I didn’t have to […]

Week 1- Tracking and Motivation

I know my status changes have made me seem like one of these uber skinny chicks who has never had to struggle with my weight or eating, but I’m here right now to prove you wrong and maybe lend a little assistance to those of you who are struggling.  Let me give you a quick […]

Water, Water Everywhere, but I Think I’ll Have a Latte

It is truly summer.  Today it is supposed to be 115 degrees here in Phoenix!  I’ve already had quite a few patients stop by the pharmacy with signs of dehydration so I think it is important to talk about how to keep ourselves hydrated correctly. The correct way to keep yourself hydrated is to drink […]

Over-The-Counter Medication Safety: the Knowledge Gap

I love my job as a pharmacist and I have met some amazing people.  Whether my patient’s have a third grade education or a doctorate they all have their own expertise and their own knowledge gaps.  No one can know everything and I don’t expect my patients to be experts in pharmacology.  That’s my niche.  […]

Sleep Hygiene: What it means and how it can improve your rest

How many of us really wake up feeling rested?  Life has so many demands that getting to bed on time is a second thought and the act of falling asleep is a battle.  Get the kids up, get everyone breakfast, send everyone to work, go to work, work out, get dinner ready, clean the house, […]

Herbs: The Good, the Bad, and the Complicated

Image borrowed from Hoalian.com Most of us grew up on our mother’s and grandmother’s home remedies.  In our home we always had an ample supply of chamomile, peppermint, lavender, and aloe vera.  I fell in love with herbal remedies because my Mom was quite the gardener and tea lover and her remedies worked!  Herbal remedies […]

Vitamin D – Why do I need it?

Vitamin D has been overlooked as an aid to health. There are so many areas of health Vitamin D can contribute. Mental health: Have you ever wondered why Thanksgiving and Christmas can be difficult for some? It may have something to do with the Vitamin D levels. In the areas of the country where we […]